Traffic management plans (TMPs) tackle an immensely important issue on road projects — worker safety. As a detailed, comprehensive report of planned action, these documents intend to describe exactly what, when, and how traffic flow will be managed around your work zone.
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To protect both your employees and the drivers themselves, each plan should include pertinent diagrams, road/lane closure and detour notices, construction locations, and expected traffic volume, as well as relevant contact information for project managers and associated stakeholders.
The culmination of these efforts aim to reduce work zone accidents and fatalities, which, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, reached a 17-year high in 2021. Whether because of changes in historic traffic patterns, narrow roadways, or surging incidents of “road rage,” work zone fatalities jumped by 10.8% between 2020 and 2021, increasing 61% from 2013 to 2021.
Despite lower traffic volumes, the Governor’s Highway Safety Association disclosed that the U.S. pedestrian fatality rate climbed 21% from 2019, 38% of which were construction workers. This makes critical highway maintenance workers 3.7x more vulnerable to injury than the average American, illustrating why traffic management plans are necessary for accident reduction.
Utilize Drone Data in Tandem
What traffic management plans truly demonstrate is that many of these injuries and work zone fatalities can be preventable — and with proper planning and safety measures in place, one can reduce the risk of incident. To add further detail and color to these plans, we recommend utilizing drone imagery. As drone pilots with over five years of experience in the construction space, we acknowledge and understand the inherent value that maps, pictures, and videography provide.
Aerial photography in particular legitimizes, documents, and supports TMPs by creating a referenceable, physical and/or digital record of proof of work done, and what is left to be completed. Revealing and traceable pictures offer valuable clarity to 2D maps and project plans, and uncover the best routes and spaces for hauling, crane and equipment transportation, and worker parking, among other things. Relevant issues incurred during highway or road construction including vehicle delays, worker visibility, and various traffic disruptions can be addressed with a birds-eye view of project progress.

What's included in YOUR GUIDE...
A Proven Roadmap of Success for Implementing Drones in Construction.
A List of Red Flags to Avoid When Hiring Drone Service Providers.
How to Persuade Your Leadership Team to Leverage Drones on Every Jobsite.
Create a Digital Record of Proof
Supplementing your TMP with a plethora of on-the-ground or in-the-air photos serves as digital evidence of planned or performed actions. With clear images of road/lane sections for closures, detours, and barricades, one can ensure that traffic signs and cones are correctly placed on the first go-around. If using photogrammetry, or software designed to measure distance between selected objects, this operation is made simple — instead of manually surveying given areas on-foot, teams can instead automate these tasks with a drone.
The prescribed results generate greater buy-in because of their explanative, highly-visual properties, and expedite the stakeholder approval process. After receiving the required signatures, project managers can immediately begin scheduling teams and equipment. Better yet, many of these tasks can be automated using drone technology. The faster the project is completed, the better for everybody involved!
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Organize Project Plans
Similarly, these reporting actions keep teams safe, organized, and on-track for completion. Particularly when drone imagery is paired with a digital solution like a cloud-based project management or photogrammetry tool, project managers can verify that cross-functional teams have access to TMPs, and are within timeline goals.
Managing equipment drop-offs, expected traffic volume, and control measures simultaneously with other competing priorities is no easy feat, but centralizing these assets in the cloud assures the best chance of project success. With easily-referenceable information and visuals produced by the drone, on-site teams can quickly pivot should issues arise, and reevaluate routes, sign placement, and available free space.
Slow Traffic Congestion and Site Delays
Of course, a well-designed and executed traffic management plan should mean fewer delays and minimal traffic congestion. With proper detours and lane closures in place, drivers can be funneled into new lanes and routes effectively and without incident. Reducing the impact of construction on the surrounding space will be key for your project, and using aerial photography for site evaluation will prevent often-rushed or dangerous off-the-cuff decisions.
The data that drone imagery provides can also be used to evaluate alternative plans of action, without having to manually move cones or temporary highway barriers and dividers. By simply launching a drone into the air, third-party pilots or in-house teams can show project managers a plethora of visual, “if this then that” scenarios. Plus, should plans change, another drone flight may be flown to gauge traffic and assess other options.
Keep Workers Safe and Drivers Happy
These elements combine to optimize safety for construction workers, local drivers, and pedestrians (biking or walking). Your project’s greatest asset — its teams — will be protected from harm, and stakeholders can feel confident knowing that they went above and beyond in completing actions required to ensure everyone’s well-being. City leaders and resident drivers will appreciate the mitigated impact of active construction work gleaned from drone tech, and as a result, be more likely to hire your organization for future projects.
If you’re interested in learning more about drone documentation for traffic management or on-site reporting, schedule a free consultation with one of our drone experts. At The Drone Life, we offer personal consulting and tailored aerial service solutions for your construction project, with direct experience in AEC traffic planning.

What's included in YOUR GUIDE...
A Proven Roadmap of Success for Implementing Drones in Construction.
A List of Red Flags to Avoid When Hiring Drone Service Providers.
How to Persuade Your Leadership Team to Leverage Drones on Every Jobsite.