Wildflowers Monitoring Solar Farm Wildlife Health Using Drones

Monitoring Solar Farm Wildflower Health Using Drones

In the dynamic landscape of renewable energy, solar farms have emerged as a vital component in the transition towards a greener future. Beyond their capacity to generate clean electricity, these expansive installations contain an often-overlooked opportunity to utilize the land beneath the solar arrays for wildflowers. Recognizing the pivotal role wildflowers can play in the solar industry, it is important to ensure they can thrive on new and existing solar farms.

Table of Contents

"Agrovoltaic farming, which refers to the use of solar panels in agriculture, is showing significant promise in restoring wildflower populations."

In the wake of new planting initiatives, evaluating the success and health of these wildflowers presents a formidable challenge. Drones have stepped in to offer highly detailed, fast, and accurate evaluation of wildflower health. In this article we will explore the intricate relationship between wildflowers and solar farms. We investigate the urgency for effective post-planting assessments and highlight the transformative role drones make in this endeavor.

Video Credit: Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment

Benefits for Solar Farm Projects and Stakeholders

Planting wildflowers around solar panels on a solar farm offers a range of significant benefits for the solar farm itself. Firstly, it supports pollinators, creating a habitat for bees, butterflies, and other wildlife. This practice helps sequester carbon, reduces stormwater runoff, and minimizes the need for harmful chemicals, leading to improved water and soil quality. Pollinator plants also contribute to the efficiency of solar panels themselves by decreasing ground temperatures underneath them, ultimately increasing energy production.

Compared to alternative ground cover options, pollinator plants entail lower maintenance needs, leading to cost-effective operations for solar farms. In conventional installations, companies often engage with vegetation management services, such as contracting a mowing company for grassy areas or having to address dust and dirt accumulation, which can lead to panel soiling. Incorporating pollinator habitats can help address community concerns about the visual impact of solar farms, potentially garnering more local support.

"Pollinator plants can decrease the ground temperature under solar panels, helping panels work more efficiently and produce more power. They can also reduce maintenance costs for solar farms because mature pollinators require far less mowing than other ground covers."

Recognizing these advantages, many solar developers, such as Inovateus Solar, are committing to including pollinator habitats in their projects. While ongoing studies aim to refine best practices, current guidelines ensure that integrating pollinator plants into solar projects can bring substantial benefits to both the projects themselves and the surrounding regions.

Maintaining Solar Assets With Drones
What's included in YOUR GUIDE...

Techniques for Exposing Warrantiable Items on Your PV Sites.

A Proven Roadmap for Successfully Implementing Drones in Solar.

Strategies for Identifying DC Losses and Avoiding Downtime.

Monitoring Solar Farm Wildlife Health Using Drones

Challenges of Evaluating Wildflower Habitats

Scale of Modern Solar Farm Installations

The scale at which solar farms are being constructed today is nothing short of monumental. Vast stretches of land, once barren, are now being utilized through the installation of huge solar farms with thousands of photovoltaic panels. These sprawling installations cover hundreds, sometimes thousands, of acres, presenting a logistical challenge for manual inspection and assessment methods. Walking through these huge fields to inspect individual plants becomes not only impractical but also extremely labor intensive.

Limitations of Manual Assessment Methods

Habitat preservation at solar farms in the form of wildflowers is relatively new and can take 2–3 years to become established. The health and vitality of wildflower habitats in solar farms must be consistently evaluated much like the solar installation itself. The standard method for inspecting wildflower habitats is through manual, on the ground, inspections. While this approach may suffice for smaller projects, it proves woefully inadequate when confronted with the sheer size of a large modern solar installation. Human inspectors are often constrained by physical limitations along with accessing remote or hard-to-reach areas. This is where drones have a distinct advantage.

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Speak With a Drone Expert Today!​
Speak With a Drone Expert Today!​

Importance of Accurate Monitoring Techniques

Ensuring the robust health of wildflowers is not a mere aesthetic concern but a critical ecological imperative. These wildflower fields serve as vital components of the local ecosystem, providing sustenance for pollinators and contributing to overall biodiversity. As such, accurate and timely monitoring of their health is very important. Without proper monitoring, it can potentially lead to a decline in habitat itself, along with the pollinator populations, and could cause a disruption in the delicate balance within the solar farm’s microenvironment. A decline in habitat could also put the capital investment at risk as well.

Drone After Takeoff at Solar Farm

Drone Solutions for Wildflower Health Assessment

One of the greatest advantages of drone technology lies in its ability to provide dynamic visual data over vast stretches of landscape. Through this visual medium, professionals who understand the habitats can observe patterns, trends, and potential stressors affecting the wildflower population.

2D Maps and Plant Health Reports

Drones equipped with advanced imaging technology can be set up to capture high-resolution images of the solar farm landscape. In fact, many drone inspection service providers are already experienced with vegetation growth assessments as part of their routine solar inspection process. Once the imaging data is captured, the information can be processed and analyzed to generate detailed 2D maps of the wildflower habitats.

"The Plant Health maps demonstrate the relative health of vegetation within the map by comparing the value of each band. Healthier vegetation reflects more of certain types of light than unhealthy vegetation."

This visual tool offers a comprehensive overview of the entire site, allowing for precise identification of areas where wildflowers flourish and those that may require intervention. An experienced drone service company will use specialized software to analyze the imagery and then provide plant health reports based on the findings.

Drone Flying Over Solar Farm During an Inspection

Getting Started with Drone Solutions

When considering a drone service provider, it is highly recommended to hire a company with experience. The Drone Life pilots, for example, are highly trained and licensed pilots, qualified to conduct flights from wildflower inspections to mapping to analysis. Schedule a free consultation today with The Drone Life for more information.

What's included in the EBOOK...

A step-by-step introduction to drone-based thermography inspections.

Actionable maintenance strategies for solar project stakeholders. 

Little-known inspection parameters and industry best practices.

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